3.4. Irodalomjegyzék

  1. Jacquie Samuels: Types of Content Management Systems Explained (CMS, DMS, CCMS, ECMS, and others) 2013 [on-line]
    [2015.06.28] < http://techwhirl.com/types-of-content-management-systems/ >
  2. Tóth Róbert: CMS rendszerek összehasonlítása. Debreceni Egyetem, 2009 [on-line]
    [2015.07.02] < https://dea.lib.unideb.hu/dea/bitstream/handle/2437/90782/szakdol.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y >
  3. WikiPedia: Digital asset management [on-line]
  4. World Wide Web Consortium: Web Content Accessibility Guideline. 2008 [on-line]
    [2015.07.05]<URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/ >
  5. W3Tech: Usage of content management systems for websites. [on-line]
    [2015.06.11]<URL: http://w3techs.com/technologies/overview/content_management/all >